About Me

Living and working in the foothills of the Swan Range in Northwest Montana. I am constantly inspired by the aesthetic of the woods and mountains. From a young child I have found peace and joy in the outdoors.
I have cut trees, milled lumber and built furniture for the past 12 years. When I decided to try and make Deitz Customs a business I knew that it needed to fit around my family. Growing up both my grandfather and father taught me the value of hard work and determination. In the orchard and on the farm we put in long days as a child I didn't appreciate the lessons learned. Time outdoors with my family working side by side, sometimes in extreme cold or heat depending on the season. These are great memories and the lessons of hard work have followed me thru-out my life. I want my own children to have those same experiences. The structure of my business gives me the freedom to do most of the work from home. I try to include my 6 and 9 year old children as much as I can. My 9 year old built her first table this spring and my 6 year old is one of the best firewood stackers in the county! I love my family and they always take priority. I want to teach them that they can do good for the world through their lives and actions. I hope that my mission to salvage trees and turn them into furniture will give them strong lessons in hard work, pursuing goals and in being good stewards of the planet.
We are on this earth for a short period of time. To live your life in a way that denies the health of our habitat is the epitome of selfishness and is so contrary to what it means to be human. By denying our home we deny the survival of our children. If I can create a healthy habitat while providing tree to table furniture that will last for generations….. Then I have done good work… work worth being proud of!
Deitz Customs